Ensure your inventory is in the right place at the right time with the new Distribution Requirements Planning feature, also known as DRP. This sophisticated inventory planning engine is designed for distributor managers, offering time-phased inventory planning tailored to meet the demands of just-in-time environments.
In previous versions, there was no way to exclude automatic line discounts from items with specific sales prices, even if those prices were already discounted. Soon, you'll be able to disable automatic line discount calculations for a particular price on the sales prices form, providing better protection for your sales margins. With the introduction of the new Managed Sales Allocations form, users will have increased flexibility to allocate stock quantities to multiple orders based on order priority. You'll also have the ability to deallocate and remove orders from this screen to free up inventory, allowing you to allocate to other specific order lines, such as fulfilling orders for high-priority or strategic customers.
Additionally, in distribution, MYOB is improving efficiency in the return authorisation workflow to save you and your team time with an enhanced user experience. When processing returns of sold goods, you can now easily locate invoice lines from the original order using a variety of search criteria, eliminating the need to scroll through numerous lines to find the correct item for return.
For warehouse staff, a new bidirectional peak path option will be available in the Warehouse Management tab of the Sales Order Preferences form. This feature will interact with the Peak Path value, aiding pickers in finding the nearest pick list when starting their next picking task, ultimately optimising warehouse traversal in paperless picking environments.
Furthermore, MYOB is introducing a new enhancement that allows for the calculation of estimated margin percentage and dollar amount for individual sales order lines, in addition to the aggregate view for the entire order. This enhancement enables a better understanding of the impact of discounts when negotiating with customers during the sales order entry process.
Ability to Disable Automatic Calculation of Taxes in Sales Orders and Invoices
In MYOB Advanced 2023.1, the ability to turn off automatic tax calculation to preserve imported or manually entered taxes has been introduced. The changes will assist when importing Sales Orders or Invoices from eCommerce systems where taxes are calculated in the eCommerce system and don’t need to be recalculated in MYOB Advanced. Check release notes for some exclusions to the new functionality.
The Disable Automatic Tax Calculation checkbox is available in Order Types, Sales Orders and Invoices. It is also available in BigCommerce or Shopify Stores but looks slightly different.
Improvements in Blanket Purchase Orders
In MYOB Advanced 2023.1, the tracking of item receipts for blanket purchase orders has been improved. With new columns and updated Rules of Completion for Lines on the Blanket Purchase Orders.
Improvements in Templates for Matrix Items
In previous versions of MYOB Advanced, the set of variance attributes for matrix items could be defined only at the item class level on the Item Classes (IN201000) form.
Starting in 2023.1, the user can define a custom set of variance attributes for each template item of an item class. The new unlabelled Active column has been added to the Attributes table on the Configuration tab of the Template Items (IN203000) form.
Sales Orders Based on the Mixed Order Automatic Behaviour
Starting in MYOB Advanced 2023.1, a new Mixed Order automation behaviour has been introduced. Using a mixed order (Type ‘MO’), a user can process both positive and negative quantities on each line of the order. The order balance can thus be positive or negative. A customer payment (positive balance) or refund (negative balance) can be processed depending on the order's balance.
A mixed order may be used if a customer needs to buy and return products or services (or replace the returned products) simultaneously at a counter or through a point of sale (POS) system operated by a cashier. The Mixed Order behaviour does not support shipments because it is designed for counter sales.
Predefined User Roles
In MYOB Advanced 2023.1, predefined user roles that provide access to the forms needed in employees' everyday work related to inventory and order management have been added. Instead of creating and setting up the roles from the ground up, use these predefined user roles. The managers can also modify the role permissions to meet the organisation's access policies. In smaller organisations, the managers can apply multiple roles to the same user who takes over various duties.
The following predefined user roles have been added:
Support of Multiple Totes for a Pick List
In MYOB Advanced 2023.1, the system can be configured to allow users to add one of multiple totes to the pick list on the fly on the Pick, Pack, and Ship (SO302020) form. Previously, users could not assign multiple totes to the same pick list when they picked the items.
Calculation of the Commissionable Amount in Sales Orders
In MYOB Advanced 2023.1, improvements have been made to calculating the commissionable amount in sales orders. If a customer returns the item, the commission is subtracted appropriately.
If a sales order line on the Details tab is subject to commission (that is, the Commissionable checkbox is selected) and has the Receipt operation type, the amount of the line decreases the Commissionable Amount value on the Commissions tab. For example, the commissionable amount will be negative for a sales order with lines with the Receipt operation only.
New Alternate Type in Cross-References for Stock and Non-Stock Items
In MYOB Advanced 2023.1, the new GTIN/EAN/UPC/ISBN option has been added to the Alternate Type column on the Cross-Reference tab of the Stock Items (IN202500) and Non-Stock Items (IN202000). This new alternate type behaves in the same way as the Barcode type does.