MYOB Acumatica Cloud ERP remains one of the most user-friendly cloud ERP platforms on the market. It receives top awards for usability. MYOB has been honoured as an ABA100 winner in The Australian Business Awards 2022, with its mid-market offering, MYOB Acumatica Business, taking out the Cloud Innovation and ERP Innovation categories.
Although MYOB Acumatica is indeed easy to use, like every platform, there are certain tips and tricks that can help users get more from it. Below are 10 we recommend as they cover the major time-saving shortcuts most companies need.
Be sure to review our previous blogs, our MYOB Acumatica Support Page and our User Interface Enhancement Page.
1. Embed quick widgets
MYOB Acumatica enables you to add various tools to your dashboard. Think of quick widgets such as currency converters, calendars, and other time-savers. Use these to add specific functions you use frequently.
2. Use Shift and the F key to Filter
MYOB Acumatica is a powerful ERP system. It can store massive amounts of data that you can utilise in multiple ways. It can sometimes be challenging to sort manually, however, selecting the column and pressing Shift and the F key enables you to filter via columns. It’s a great quick time saver.
3. Use drag and drop to move items.
MYOB Acumatica enables users to drag and drop data to add it to system records. You can drag and drop items such as documents, inventory lists, and spreadsheets to move them quickly into each record as needed. Simply drop an item into the current screen or navigate to ‘files’ and drop it into the files box.
4. Use column configuration to update grids
MYOB Acumatica comes with a column configuration tool, available at one click, to configure columns the way you prefer them. So, if your display is not to your liking, click and change it.
5. Export to Excel
Data from MYOB Acumatica cloud ERP can be exported into Excel as needed. This is helpful if you need to move data, charts, or graphs into PowerPoint, for example, for a presentation. Because both Excel and PowerPoint are Microsoft products, using Excel enables the presentation software to display graphs correctly, resize them, and more.
6. Extending your ERP
One of the reasons many users love MYOB Acumatica is that it enables third-party platforms to create integrations via an open-source API. The MYOB Marketplace provides a wealth of third-party extensions for everything from e-commerce to tax automation.
7. Edit menus
Don’t like how your Dashboard displays menus? Edit them. You can rearrange, change, or move menus in MYOB Acumatica to set up a custom display.
8. Change colours
You can also change colours on the screen in MYOB Acumatica. This enables you to colour-code various companies if you work across multiple companies in the system.
9. Learn multiple ways to open tabs
MYOB Acumatica provides three ways to open tabs: right-click on links, control-click, or directly click on a link. Depending on how you prefer to work with the system, one method may be faster and easier to remember for you.
10. Learn more tricks
We’ve put together a library of MYOB Acumatica videos to help you learn the most useful tips for time-saving and efficiency. Subscribe to the YouTube channel where these videos are listed and click the bell icon when you subscribe to receive notification of new videos when they are posted.
MYOB Acumatica Cloud ERP offers a powerful midmarket ERP for companies seeking complete data visibility for better decision-making. It offers exceptional accounting, finance, and operational data, and integrates with many popular third-party tools. With sufficient training and tips and tricks such as these, you will master the system quickly and gain exceptional value from it.